Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shopaholic & Sister, Sophie Kinsella (SOLD)

Shopaholic & Sister by Sophie Kinsella

Becky Brandon has traveled the world on her honeymoon with her spouse Luke, but in reality inside Becky remains a Bloomwood which means to Bex that she still is a shopaholic, whose global tour was a humongous shopping spree. However walking hot coals or trying to obtain a twelfth dynasty ring from the Royal Cairo Institute of Archeology is Bex doing what she does best, shop until her “opponent” drops even when the advice is not to ship six huskies from Alaska to London 

Bex and Luke return to London, but he is not quite the cool hand anymore as her international bundles begin arriving at their penthouse. News on the home front is quite a shocker when Bex learns that dad sired a half-sister.   Bex pictures a shopping partner, but Jessica is her diametrical opposite as a prudent environmentalist who thinks shopping ranks with pollution. Luke walks out on Bex figuring there is not enough room for him and her packages. Bex joins her sibling on a protest against an environmentally incorrect corporation, but that impacts on Luke's job. Bex seeks a commonality with her sister and tries to persuade Luke to come home. 

This shopaholic sequel contains some of the wit and humor of the previous tale especially when Bex corresponds with various people including those who refuse to sell an item that she has decided needs buying. However Jessica's caring about the environment even as an extreme tree hugger makes Bex look immature and shallow. Still fans will laugh at the antics of the SHOPAHOLIC AND SISTER as they both wonder how they share any part of the gene pool. 

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